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Whether you’re an experienced cruiser or not, river cruises are the perfect way to take your cruising experience to the next level. With smaller ships and routes that don’t have to skirt the coastline, river cruises are a more immersive option and open up destinations beyond those that are typical for the tourist crowds.

River cruises are the up-and-coming way to travel Europe. They take advantage of the interconnectedness of the continent, and cruisers never miss a moment, passing through the central hub of the most beautiful cities and taking in scenic countryside. Experience Paris in a unique way, sailing the Seine through the very heart of the city! On the other hand, the next day might be spent in a picturesque village with cuisine that has remained unaltered by globalization. Because river cruises often visit different port cities every day, the time between is full of rolling green hills and ancient castles standing guard.


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River cruises provide access to places larger ocean cruise ships never see. They can take the truly adventurous deep into the heart of the Amazon in South America or the Chobe or Nile in Africa. Sailing down the Mekong in southeast Asia almost feels like stepping into another time, and the immersive nature of a river cruise makes interacting with the friendly locals a highlight of the trip. You can even cruise right here in the heart of the U.S, taking in the Mississippi or Columbia Rivers on a classic steamboat.

River cruisers love the more intimate nature of a river cruise. Smaller ships mean fewer fellow passengers and greater attention to the individual. More like a large group and less like a floating resort, river cruises focus more on local food, entertainment, and culture.

A Closer Look
Get Comfortable
Small Groups
A Little More Luxury

Popular River Cruises

A Closer Look

River cruises take travelers deeper into the destinations they visit, leaving ocean cruisers on the coast. A river cruise is the perfect way to experience the small villages and scenic towns of Europe or the magnificent architecture that is found outside of major Asian cities. Enjoy gondolas and gelato or Sphinxes and falafel in places more frequented by locals than tourists. 

Because river cruises sail right through the heart of most of their destinations, you can also linger longer, taking advantage of quiet early mornings or the fun of the local night scene.

Get Comfortable

Like ocean cruising, river cruises provide the benefit of unpacking one time, without worrying about making sure your luggage is ready to go before heading to the next destination. 

In general, river cruising is more laid-back than its marine counterpart because the ships have fewer passengers and travel shorter distances. This means that deboarding takes essentially no time, and because the ship gets to the next port so quickly, you can double your leisure time. Because river cruise ships often dock right in the center of town, you can also cut down on long transfers to amazing port-side excursions. Instead, walk into them right off the ship!

Each cruise line is unique, and each caters to different demographics, offering everything from onboard cultural events to hair-raising activities. A travel advisor can help you discover which line and ship is the best fit for you.

Small Groups

River cruise ships are significantly smaller than those built for ocean cruising. This is by necessity and by design. It means fewer fellow passengers and an atmosphere that is cultivated to be more intimate. River cruise ships generally accommodate 150-200 people as opposed to the thousands enjoying an ocean cruise. 

These smaller numbers provide an opportunity to get to know your fellow cruisers in a meaningful way. Less-traveled areas are often more welcoming of smaller ships, so you have the added benefit of experiencing destinations like locals and without long lines.

A Little More Luxury

A river cruise is an excellent way to elevate your cruising experience. It allows travelers to jump right into the destinations they visit, and it is common for the cruise package to include walking tour excursions in each port.

The view from the ship exchanges long stretches of sea for charming countryside, small villages, and shorelines not quite close enough to touch. River cruise ships often bring in local small-scale entertainment and prioritize local food onboard, so the immersive experience doesn’t stop when the ship is in sail.